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Products & Solutions / Ventilation Hygiene / Hand Driller Shafts
For easy operation on small duct cleaning projects
Hand driller shafts are important tools for anyone conducting duct-cleaning practices. Conventional brush cleaning machines end up being too large for tiny ducts. Those ducts then end up harvesting air born containments that infects the air you breathe. Hand driller shafts are ideal for small duct cleaning purposes and Lifa’s high quality thoroughly tested equipment will make sure that your air is safe and secure.
Hand drill shafts can be driven by the Special Cleaner 2 brushing machine or an electric hand drill. Depending on the project, we offer metal rope cables and single metal wire cables with different length and flexibility.
Metal rope cables are made to be incredibly flexible and operable with only one person. They require less space to operate and have a long lasting durability over single metal wire cables.
[for ducts 60mm – 250mm; 8mm metal rope cable]
The Lifa Extra Flexible Driller Shaft is made for small ducts from the length of 60mm – 250mm and has a 8mm metal rope cable.
The Extra Flexible Driller Shaft has an extra flexible shaft made for going through 90-degree bends in air ducts with ease. The Lifa Extra Flexible Driller Shaft requires less space and can be used by one person.
The Lifa Extra Flexible Driller Shaft is available in 4 sizes. 3m, 6m, 9m, and 12 meter driller shafts.
[for ducts 100mm – 315mm; 10mm metal rope cable]
The Lifa Flexible Driller Shaft is made for small air ducts that are 100mm -315mm and has a 10mm metal rope cable.
The Flexible Driller Shaft has a flexible shaft made for going through 90-degree bends in air ducts without a problem. The Lifa Flexible Driller Shaft requires less space and can be operated by one person.
[for ducts >125mm - 400mm; 12mm metal rope cable]
The Extra Strong Driller Shaft has a superior flexible shaft made for going through 90-degree bends in air ducts and is extra durable. The Lifa Extra Strong Driller Shaft requires less space and can be operated by one person.
Single metal wire cables may not be as flexible as the metal rope cables. However, single metal wire cables are known to be more rigid creating an easier to control wire for rectangular and vertical ducts. They are lighter in weight and require more space than a metal rope cable. Single metal wire cables do require more than one person to operate and have a greater risk in breaking if you pass it through several 90-degree corners.
Our wire cable set for drillers includes 3 pieces with 3m, 5m and 10 m single metal wire cable with 3.8mm construction and M12 connection to brushes. The metal wire cable set for drillers includes 6 brushes. These brushes are 3 basic brushes from sizes are 125mm, 200mm, and 300mm. As well as, 3 combination brushes sizes are 150/250mm, 200/400mm and 300-500mm.
Description | Shaft Diameter | Duct Type/Diameter | Length: 3m | 5m | 6m | 9m | 10m | 12m |
Extra Flexible | 8mm Metal Rope | 60mm - 250mm | 6420281020278 | n/a | 6420281020872 | 6420281011832 | n/a | 6420281022128 |
Flexible | 10mm Metal Rope | 100mm - 315mm | 6420281010246 | n/a | 6420281010255 | 6420281022876 | n/a | 6420281012921 |
Extra Strong Flexible | 12mm Metal Rope | 125mm - 400mm | 6420281021602 | n/a | 6420281020711 | 6420281012037 | n/a | 6420281012570 |
Wire Cables | 3.8mm Metal Wire | Straight Rectangular | 6420281022579 | 6420281022579 | n/a | n/a | 6420281022579 | n/a |
Brush Adapter Flexible
M12 Connection for small ducts 80-160mm, with driller shafts and SC20 only
Soft Brush for Small Ducts
M12 Connection, , body of brush only 4.5 cm Available ∅125 - 340mm
Basic Brush
M12 Connection, Nylon bristle Available ∅100 - 600mm
Metal "Razor" Brush
M12-Connection Availible : ∅ 100mm - ∅400mm
Ball Brush For Plastic and Insulated Ducts
M12 Connection Available ∅90 mm
There are several good reasons to keep duct cleaning regularly. Securing good indoor air quality, saving energy and money, extending the HVAC system life-time and reducing household dust makes duct cleaning a good investment.
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